bravo pak Nuh, tidak salah pak presiden milih anda jadi menkominfo! well, ternyata berita tentang rencana pemblokiran situs porno juga masuk di beberapa media internasional.
di financial times hari ini akhirnya berita bagus tentang Indonesia ada juga, setelah sebelumnya dalam beberapa bulan terakhir pasti cuma tentang dispute MNC dengan pemerintah, kasus korupsi soeharto dan adam air...
mengenai pembahasan UU nya sendiri tidak banyak ramai diributkan sperti kasus RUU anti porno aksi dan pornografi. mungkin ini menjadi pelajaran penting buat partai2 islam yang anti maksiat untuk lebih apik bermain di sektor2 saja, daripada ribut2 RUU APP yg banyak ditentang. uniknya lagi, suara penentang masalah ini tidak datang dari PDIP, atau PDS, atau partai2 sekuler lainnya...
yg saya tau cuma ratna sarumpaet yg bicara penolakan terhadap UU ini.... baca2 di detik.com atau kompas juga tidak ada yg berani menolak aturan ini....
terkait dengan akses internet ke SMA2, saya pikir ini langkah jenius untuk mencerdaskan bangsa... klo liat iklan telkom speedy yg anak dari daerah terpencil menang lomba mading nasional, saya pikir itu akan jadi kenyataan untuk semua sekolah2 lain...
masih terkait dengan internet, kasus Malaysia dengan berkurang drastisnya suara Barisan Nasional yg diakui Badawi karena ia tidak memperhatikan aspek internet sebagai salah satu media kampanye. dan salah satu anggota parlemen yg terpilih dari kalangan oposisi adalah aktivis blogger (dengan 11 juta pengunjung - http://www.jeffooi.com/), menunjukan potensi internet sebagai salah satu alternative media kampanye.
semoga kita bisa menjadi bangsa yg lebih baik...
insya allah
Indonesia to block web porn access
By John Aglionby in Jakarta
Published: March 25 2008 17:29 | Last updated: March 25 2008 17:29
Indonesia said on Tuesday it would begin to block access to pornographic websites after the country’s parliament passed a wide-ranging law criminalising the act of producing and accessing “immoral” content on the internet.
The law is one of the most stringent limitations on internet access to be adopted by a democracy, as well as one of the strictest in Asia.
Many countries ban child pornography and limit access to adult pornography to people aged over 18 but few laws are as restrictive as Indonesia’s new statutes.
Freedom of speech activists criticised the new law for failing to define clearly what comprised pornography, raising the prospect that art and other forms of expression could be caught up in any attempt to enforce it.
Muhammad Nuh, information minister, said the decision to block pornographic sites was taken in conjunction with the launch last week of free internet access for all high schools.
Mr Nuh said an estimated 1m locally produced pornographic sites and all foreign sites that stipulate a minimum age of 18 to enter would be blocked from Saturday and that “common sense will determine what is allowed and what isn’t”.
“We have to protect the nation, particularly the young generation,” he said.
The law criminalises the accessing, production and distribution of pornographic, defamatory, threatening and gambling materials via the internet. It imposes penalties of up to 12 years in prison and Rp1bn ($109,000, €70,000, £54,000) in fines for violating the law.
Ratna Sarumpaet, a playwright who was at the forefront of opposition to a separate anti-pornography bill, said the new legislation took the wrong approach.
“They want to protect people with rules but they’re only making them afraid of the rules,” she said.
Suparlan, the legislator who chaired the committee that drafted the bill, said the measures were necessary because “Indonesia gives greater commitment to morals” than other countries.
David Burke, an executive vice-president of Telkom, the largest state telecoms company, said blocking access to specific sites for Indonesian broadband users and those accessing the internet through the country’s two main gateways should not be difficult.
“But many internet cafés obtain their bandwidth from satellites, which is much harder to control,” he said. “So it’s a huge job and there will always be cracks. It will depend on how much the government really wants to monitor and police this.”
Additional reporting by Taufan Hidayat
Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2008
Bangga apanya....
Justru kayak ga ada kerjaan yg lain aja. Misal, memperluas infrastruktur jaringan internet, kecepatan internet yang makin oke, penyediaan jaringan internet murah atau gratis, dan memperbaiki ketahanan sistem IT Indonesia seperti situs2 pemerintahan yang gampang di-hack.
Pada akhirnya kita selalu berputar2 hal2 yang "itu-itu" saja, situs prono, pronoaksi, pornografi, RUU APP, bla..bla..bla..
Tapi untuk memperbaiki kualitas pelayanan publik NOL.
Dasar Indon!
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