besok, rabu 19 Maret 2008, saya mengucapkan selamat ulang tahun amerika di iraq, dan lihat apa yg terjadi saat ini...
bukan cuma di iraq, tapi juga berbagai krisis di Amerika...
mengutip dari financial times hari ini:
Iraq Five Years On, by numbers... :
- 54% of those questioned in a poll of US citizens at the end of February say the war was the wrong decision. 35 % think that the US is making progress in preventing civil war, compared with 18 % last year
- 4.5 M Iraqis currently displaced from their homes. including 2 M refugees outside the country. Nearly all to Syria and Jordan
- $ 16,900, the cost of the Iraq war so far to an avarage US family of four
- $ 12 bn, PRojected monthly operating costs for 2008, up from $4,4bn in 2003
- $3,000 bn, Joseph Stiglitz's estimate of the true cost to the US of 'the war on terror' in Iraq and Afghanistan
- $ 50bn-60bn Donald Rumsfeld, former US defence secretary's original estimate of the cost of the war.
- $30, price of oil per barrel at the start of the war, $ 106 current price
- $ 5.1bn Iraqi revenue from oil exports 2003
- $ 38.3bn Iraqi revenue from oil exports 2007...
wow!! cuma mw bilang, for the right (wo)man next election...!!
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